Our Impact

The CAUSE Foundation is dedicated to awarding scholarships to deserving high school seniors and currently enrolled college students. Year after year, too many students are unable to attend or finish college because of financial difficulty. Our goal is to do our part to prevent as many of these students as possible from losing valuable educational opportunities due to financial need.
Scholarships Awarded Since 2009
Scholarship Dollars Awarded Since 2009
Community Service & Volunteering
The CAUSE Foundation strives to support the less fortunate members of our community. Through our own volunteerism programs and through teamwork with other organizations, we are working for the betterment of our communities through food drives, mobile health clinics, holiday giving programs, community awareness programs in the areas of financial stability and health, as well as supporting the efforts of larger organizations such as March for Babies, AIDS Foundation Houston, American Cancer Society, etc.
Volunteer Hours Since 2009
Donated to Charitable Efforts Since 2009 **

** The CAUSE Foundation along with the Eta Rho Sigma Chapter of PBS has raised and donated over $17K in 2017 for the following initiatives: March of Dimes, AIDS Walk Houston, Relay for Life, John Lewis Project, Spelling Bee and Hurricane Harvey Relief.